仙台育英学園創立105周年を迎える2010年10月1日、アメリカ合衆国ハワイ州ホノルル市に仙台育英学園ハワイ現地校『I-Lion Hawaii School』が開校します。現地の一般家庭にホームステイしながらEnglish as a Second Language、Social Studies 、Sports & Activitiesの3教科を中心に実施します。I-Lion Hawaii School は写真左下の建物の13階になります。
 Debuting on the eve of Sendai Ikuei Gakuen's 105th anniversary, the Honolulu based I-Lion Hawaii School will open its doors on October 1st, 2010. While living with a host family, students will focus on learning English as a second language, social studies and various recreational activities. The I-Lion Hawaii School is located on the 13th floor of the building pictured on the bottom left.
 2nd Year Foreign Language Course students will take part in a 4 week study program while at the I-Lion Hawaii School. This program will also be available to other Ikuei students who wish to participate. Shuko applicants are limited to 2nd year students.