2010年10月1日、アメリカ合衆国ハワイ州ホノルル市に仙台育英学園ハワイ現地校『I-Lion Hawaii School』が開校します。これを現地の方々にPRするため、チアリーダー部全員で『第31回まつりインハワイ』に参加しました。
 To help locally promote the October 2010 opening of the I-Lion Hawaii School, Sendai Ikuei's Cheerleading Team participated in the 31st Annual Pan-Pacific Festival in Honolulu.
  Ikuei's Cheerleading is a big hit
  「演技用の曲には日本が誇るアニメ“ドラゴンボールZ”を使用したので、見に来ていた子ども達も大喜びでした。観客からは“パワフルで素晴らしい”などの感想をいただきました。『I-Lion Hawaii School』については、外国語コースの生徒が以前にハワイ語学研修で来ていることもあり、現地の人ともコミュニケーションをうまく図り、開校をPRすることができたと思います」
 The Pan-Pacific Festival takes place every year in Honolulu, where both locals and international visitors alike showcase their traditional performance arts. This year's festivities took place from June 11th to June 13th. While there were many taiko drum and hula dance performances, as one of the few cheerleading groups Ikuei's students generated a lot of interest.
 The coach for the Ikuei Cheerleading team, Ms. Yukiko Akama, arranged their routine. "For our performance we wanted to use an Iconic Japanese song that audience members of all ages would enjoy." She said. "We ended up choosing the Dragon Ball Z anime theme, which ended up getting lots of positive feedback from the audience members. With our students at the event, it was a great chance to raise awareness about Ikuei's new school."
  A Host Family Reunion
 「3日目のパレードでは“『I-Lion Hawaii School』オープン”の旗を持ちながら歩いてPR。“アロハ!”と挨拶をしながら沿道の方々に手を振ると、みんな微笑んでくれたのが印象的でした」
 3rd year Foreign Language Course student and cheerleader Itou felt good about the Cheerleading team's performance at the festival. "Over the three days we were there, we all were very focused on giving a good impression for the school, even when walking down the street. We made sure to say hello and 'aloha' wherever we went, and I was impressed at how friendly the people we met there were." said Itou. While at the festival, Itou's old host family from her last visit to Hawaii came to cheer her on. "They told me that they were very impressed with the performance."
  Meeting a Local Audience

 "It was my first time performing overseas, so I was very anxious to see how the audience would react. I was a bit nervous but at the same time also very excited." Abe, a 2nd year Foreign Language Course Student, related her experience of going to the festival. "I felt that the people there were very empathetic, and when I rose up they rose up with me. I've never felt anything like that before." "Afterwards" said Abe, "I got to take pictures with the audience members and cheer together with the little kids. Everyone there was so warm and friendly; I will always remember my experience there. "
  Hula Dance Team Performance
 このイベントには、秀光中等教育学校の『生き生き学級フラダンス同好会』も参加。秀光の安住先生と生徒の保護者6名がフラダンスを披露しました。2日目に行われた「フラフェスティバル」ではスピリチュアル賞を受賞。保護者の方々も『I-Lion Hawaii School』のPRに快くご協力くださいました。
 Shukoh students in the Ikiiki Hula Club also participated in helping to raise awareness of the I-Lion Hawaii School's opening. Along with Shukoh teacher Ms. Azumi, 6 students gave a performance over two days at the Hula Festival, wining a Spirit award from the judges.